sub descrption

No matter where your passion lies, life relies on a bipolarity, a contrast which defines the clash of inspirations. We seek to demonstrate the exact disposition between opposites, an equality, a sense of stability. It is only appropriate that our name defines our function. Regardless of what your vice maybe; Life is but a balance...

Monday, March 7, 2011

Away Jersey FFF, la Mariniere

Nike FFF Maillot Exterieur from La MJC on Vimeo.

After having dazzled us with the new Home kit, Nike and la Federation Francaise de Football find another way to amaze. The kit, the jersey that our the French national will be downing while playing in hostile [territories] stadium is a perfect blend of France's classy and unique heritage and its reconstructing national team. In order for this masterpiece to fully capture the refined essence of French culture, the FFF even asked for the sophisticated and immensely stylish hand of fashion icon Karl Lagerfeld to contribute to the molding of their Away shirt. The result is impressive.

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