With a single piece of paper, the White House finally shut the [Republican] opposition up. Today the birth certificate of our President was released putting an end to the issue which not only questioned his position as president of our country but also our Constitution.
"The President believed the distraction over his birth certificate wasn't good for the country. It may have been good politics and good T.V., but it was bad for the American people and distracting from the many challenges we face as a country."
- White House Communications Director Dan Pfeiffer
The "birther" issue has indeed been a distraction in a political era full of pressing domestic and international affairs. It is indeed sad to see that certain individuals even took the opportunity to question the legitimacy of President Obama publicly. Lets face it, regardless of all the money Donald Trump may have, his sudden appearance on the political scene wouldn't have had the same impact without his inappropriate and idiotic birther allegations.
This situation is disheartening. So much energy has been put into discrediting our democratically elected president that issues like the federal debt and federal deficit have been placed on the back burner. In an economically tarnished era with unemployment rates soring and American families struggling to make ends meet, how can the entire electoral process be questioned in such an emphatic manner.
Such offensive affront should be sanctioned. Distracting the political agenda, discrediting the constitution and disrespecting our democratically elected head of state, what can possibly be more UNPATRIOTIC than that?
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